wtorek, 26 maja 2009

Barcelona - Manchester United(+1)
tip: 1
kurs: 5.50
stake: 4.43PLN
ew: 24.36PLN

Will Thierry Henry be the man of the match?
tip: YES
stake: 2.71PLN
ew: 24.39PLN

Will Thierry Henry score a goal?
tip: YES
kurs: 3.75
stake: 2.33PLN
ew: 8.74PLN

Barcelona - Manchester United
tip: over 2.5
kurs: 2.10
stake: 11.19PLN
ew: 23.50PLN

Barcelona - Manchester United
tip: X
kurs: 3.25
stake: 7.48PLN
ew: 24.31PLN

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